Chapter 20 : Poor Ford

Harry saw a door with a crest in the shape of a tree on it. Harry remembered that the old man who had saved him had the same badge as this door. Harry immediately entered the door but a voice stopped his voice. "How could you still be alive?"

Hearing the sound, Harry turned around in confusion. Harry saw a man in his thirties wearing a black robe. Seeing the wizard, Harry learns that the wizard is from the Dark academy who tried to kill him in the forest during the previous test. Harry then smiled, "Sorry senior, but I don't understand what you mean. Why should I die?"

The black robe mage immediately realized that he had said something wrong before, this black robe mage was one of the previous branch heads of the Dark Academy. That person seemed to have sent a junior wizard to kill Harry, according to the head of the academy. However, he shouldn't have questioned Harry's death as it would only raise him under suspicion. But it can't be helped, this black robe wizard was very surprised
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