Arena of Heroes

Lee remained motionless for several breaths, the sudden change of events, and the realization that he would have ran mad if his sword totem didn't interfere gave him goosebumps, his robe was wet from sweat as though a bucket of water had been poured on him.

"If my sword totem hadn't interfered, that is how my mind would have been thrown in chaos, whoever created this is crazy, I bought with my hands what could have almost killed me" Lee couldn't help but shake his head, a part of him was wishing he had let the dark skinned man buy the art.

"I wasn't traumatized for nothing, at least I ended up creating mental energy" Lee grinned like a Cheshire cat, Lee immediately opened the box containing the needles, he was anxious to test how mental energy worked, he closed his eyes and directed his consciousness towards the mental space which resided in his forehead same as his dantian.

Lee wrapped his mind around the floating milky white mental energy ball, it was the first form of mental energy
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