Fifty Four




It felt so good I could barely breathe, a breathe of fresh air, I had to hand it to Denise she really did know how to bring out the perfect burst of energy, a unique sort of blend of energy flowed into my veins, it was a burst of refreshment and her screams encouraged me causing me to siphon her powers with even more joy.

It seemed endless, when all of a sudden it all went wrong, the entire room had been silent save from the sound of her constant screaming and Gulliver's incessant but pointless struggling grunt and then all of a sudden it stopped, it was almost as if I'd reached a barrier in her magic, a great unfathomable wall of magic that resisted even my prowess

"What in-"

My next words fail me as an inconceivable pain slithers it's way across my arm, forcing me to withdraw with a grunt of pain, her eyes open and so does an immense flood of power, my skin positively crawls as I'm blown back by an impeccable amount of magic, the blast does more th
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