Everett, Washington D. C.

0915 hours

29th April

As the sleek black vehicle came to a halt, Agent Thomas could not shake off the ominous feeling that Tony and himself were slowly descending into an enigmatic labyrinth. Each new piece of information they unearthed seemed to lure them further into a web of mystery, a realm porch where their understanding reached an unsettling abyss.

As they stepped out from their vehicle, their eyes were instantly drawn to the , partially cloaked in the sturdy shelter of the overhanging structure of the unassuming safe house. Crowne and his lovely spouse, Clara lounged with ease, indulging in relaxed conversation.

An unmistakable shift rippled across the couple's faces as they noticed the two guests. Before long, Agent S emerged from the shadows, his curiosity piqued by a mere glimpse of Thomas' vintage automobile. It was abundantly clear that something was not right. With a casual flick of his hat, Thomas greeted the gathering in a manner reminiscent o
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