Chapter 33

The gate in front of Drake’ waiting room was lifted, allowing Draco to walk out and join Bastian in the middle of the arena. His eyes darted down to Drake before returning his gaze to Bastian and uttering a short snort. “It appears we won’t find ourselves with a moment’s respite while Drake is around.”

“Indeed,” Bastian agreed. He focused his eyes on Draco. “Can I trust you to carry the lad to the infirmary? Judging by the performance we just witnessed, he will require some rest before he can muster the energy to fight again.”

Draco silently dipped his head towards the Dragon King before bending over and gently scooping Drake up in one hand. “You know that we cannot leave him like this. If we don’t make an effort to teach him to control his magic, then--.”

“I am aware of what must be done,” Bastian interrupted Draco quietly, his flat tone causing his advisor to fall silent. His tail slapped the ground a few times. “Needless to say, I will be making the necessary preparations for Drake
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