chapter 166

The next day, after Solo had left for work. I took out those boxes, sat there in Kai's closet and I tore them. Toy train and cars that could moves with remotes... There were too many toys in the first box, too many that I wondered how Kai would play with them, all. Then in the other box were jewelries... How would I explain how I got them.

I knew that I would have to come up with a new lie. If Solo asked who bought them, I would say that my colleague, Marietta gave them to Kai... She had a rich uncle no, I wouldn't say she had a rich uncle, I could say that she had a rich brother and she had a wealthy family too... And she loves Kai, should add that she also has a daughter or maybe I'll say she has a son.

When Solo had come back, he had met me sitting in the living room with the two boxes on the table.

“Jeez babe, what are those, the boxes are huge."

“The boxes are huge aren't they... Let me tell you, come and have a sit. Do you remember Marrietta, my colleague, the funny lad
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