Victor drew in a profound breath, affirming his consent with a nod. The swift pace of preparations for the ceremony caught Malik and Michael off guard, yet not entirely unexpected.

The duo found themselves taken aback by this sudden turn of events, but deep down, they acknowledged that Victor's exceptional nature and innate ability to command attention and dominate were ever present, ensuring his influence wherever he ventured.

The ceremony unfolded with simplicity, progressing seamlessly. Following its conclusion, Victor convened a meeting with Jonathan and the respected elders.

In addressing the assembly, Victor articulated, "Primarily, I wish to clarify my reluctance to assume the role of the Wilston family head. Although I may hold the position nominally, I am committed to entrusting Jonathan with the overarching responsibilities."

"He will retain authority over day to day matters, exercising decision making autonomy, except in cases of utmost significance."

Jonathan found himsel
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