Three months later!

Anticipation and enthusiasm surrounded the grand opening ceremony as it took place. In addition to officially opening The Rivers Group of Martial Arts' newest location, the ribbon-cutting ceremony signified the end of a journey that had passed through darkness and emerged into the light of mutual empowerment and progress.

Jordan stood proudly in front of the assembly and spoke to them. "Our slogan stands true today as it did when we started: The Rivers Group of Martial Arts is not just a school to teach martial arts, but a community for empowerment and growth, both as a community and individually." His statements reverberated with authenticity, capturing the spirit of their group's objective.

"And so, ladies and gentlemen, here I present to you the last, as of now, branch of The Rivers Group of Martial Arts." Jordan handed the scissors to Ana, symbolizing the transition from the shadows of the past to the bright possibilities of the future. As Ana cut the ribbon, t
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