Rivera began to cry. She watched Izibio leave, and she also glanced at the check. So she stood there without moving for several hours. After thirty minutes, Suzy and Pedro appeared. Seeing the state Rivera was in, Susy rushed to her mother.

" What's wrong with you? " She said hurriedly.

Rivera blinked slightly, and then she noticed Pedro's presence. She also rushes to Pedro and then slaps him.

" You're a son of a bitch. You're a piece of shit and an asshole. I am sorry to have spoken to you. " Rivera said. That's how she began to insult Pedro without stopping. Suzy tried to calm her down in several ways before the insults stopped.

" Izibio came to see me earlier." Rivera said after calming down.

" Oh, he did ! Dad came here? And what happened? " Suzy reacts with great curiosity.

Without further ado, Rivera tells her daughter everything that happened between her and Izibio. After her story, Pedro finally understands why Rivera was insulting him, but Suzy didn't understand anything.

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