Min-yin and Evangelist came out of the dust cloud they had created. The former had her hands tightened into fists as she looked at the spot Ikki and the two were standing.

She looked at Evangelist and smirked. “I'll handle this myself, you tend to those two”

Evangelist agreed; she knew better than anyone Min-yin's strength. She was a force of nature to reckon with, a typhoon of explosions. It was best if she kept out of the woman's way. She left the battlefield and went to tend to Horneva and Mineta on the side.

Crimson Qi sparked around Min-yin's fists as it took for of runes running from her palms to the back of her hands and up her arms till her shoulders. Beneath her eyes, golden liners appeared as she was now accessing a majority of her latent power.


Her smirk only grew when Ikki clawed his way out of the hole they had buried him in. Min-yin was glad that the young lad didn't perish in a single blow or this would've been too easy and a letdown since she was already t
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