Chapter 346: Begin Again

"The power of the Ryu Taiga Sword that has been united with the seven swords of heaven and hell is indeed very different," Charles murmured with a satisfied smile.

He jumped back to give his next attack pause. Gardosen's breath was coming in short gasps.

"Raiga Bloodfallen!" exclaimed Charles, then darted to pull the hilt of the Ryutaiga Sword and successfully beheaded Gardosen.

From the beginning, Gardosen was a match for Charles, but when the Ryu Taiga Sword was in Charles' hands, Gardosen was no longer a problem.

"Burr! The sound of lightning rang out in the sky; the shifting of the nine planets into alignment was about to begin.

The clouds were suddenly dark, not covered by clouds, but the planets Mercury and Venus and the moon slowly obscured the sun.

"Why is the reaction beyond my calculations?" Mikkel's mind gnashed its teeth at the miscalculation. This phenomenon should have happened in 8 hours, and that would have been enough to kil

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