Author: Ama Pomaah

Chapter 1: The Humiliation

Luke sat behind the wheel of his car, driving his fiancée, Fiona, to their university. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, Fiona was one of the richest girls on campus, and she was his fiancée. He wanted to make a good impression on her and her friends.

Luke and Fiona happened to be mates at the same university, Luke was studying Medicine and on the other hand Fiona was into Botanics.

As they pulled up to the university gates, Fiona's friends were already there, waiting for her. They were all dressed in designer clothes and expensive jewelry, laughing and chatting loudly. Fiona's smile faded when she saw Luke's old car, which was not as shiny and flashy as her friends' cars. "Luke, can't you drive a decent car?" she said, rolling her eyes.

The other girls giggled and snickered, and Luke felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Fiona's friends were quick to follow her lead and started making fun of his clothes, his car, and his manners. They teased him about being poor and being unworthy of Fiona's love.

They all asked, why would you possibly marry this kind of man, he do not even have any sense of fashion, he just dresses anyhow and follows you everywhere just to embarrass you , haven't you noticed Fiona' ?.

Why would you even pull up here with this old car, one of them said you could have found a better man for yourself Fiona.

They all burst into laughter.

Luke thought that his wife will just step in to save his ass but she rather joined her friends in the humiliation.

Luke felt a pang of hurt in his chest. He had always known that Fiona came from a wealthy family, but he had never expected her to be so cruel. He had thought that their love was based on something deeper than material possessions.

Why would you just stand there and look while they humiliate me for the car I drive and the clothes I even put on.

At least my car has got four wheels as other cars he whispered that to himself without the hearing of non of them.

They even went on to laugh at the shoe he was wearing, they said he never changes his shoes and wears them through the whole week one of them said and they all burst into an evil laughter again.

He tried to brush off the humiliation and smiled weakly, but Fiona's friends kept teasing him, making him feel smaller and smaller. He felt like a mouse in a room full of cats.

His head felt really heavy and loved to even fly to a peaceful place if he could at that time.

When they finally arrived at the classroom, Luke thought that the worst was over. But he was wrong. As soon as he stepped out of the car, a ball hit him straight in the face. Luke staggered back, holding his nose in pain. Fiona's friends erupted in laughter, and Luke realized that the ball had come from one of Fiona's rich classmates, David.

David was one of the wealthiest and most popular boys on campus. He had always been jealous of Luke, especially since Fiona had chosen him over David. David approached Luke with his flatterers, taunting him and making fun of his clothes and his nose. Fiona and her friends gave him a round of applause for his actions towards Luke.

They felt like bees and ever ready stung him wherever that he steps foot.

It has moved from the parking lot and now to the classroom, they really made fun of him for everything that he possessed as a human.He couldn't take it any longer.

Luke had had enough. He retaliated verbally, his voice rising above the noise of the laughing crowd. David looked like he wanted to give him a punch, but he was stopped by Nina, a girl who had always been known for her sense of justice.

Nina helped Luke not because she liked him but she did it out of righteousness,for her sense of justice.

Nina approached Luke and asked if he was okay. She looked at him with concern, and Luke felt a strange warmth in his chest. Nina had always been kind to him, even though she didn't like him. He had never understood why, but he appreciated her kindness nonetheless.

David on the other hand really feared Nina for was she was really brave and wouldn't let herself get bullied by anyone from campus..

David left with anger, and Fiona came over to Luke. "You should come to my birthday party tonight," she said, flashing him a smile. Luke was confused. He didn't know how to feel about Fiona's invitation. On the one hand, he loved her, but on the other hand, he couldn't bear the thought of being humiliated again.

Would he even walk his shamelessly ass to the birthday party or he would decline the invitation, Luke could not decline the invitation too, for he was a family and not just a family but a husband to Fiona.

As he walked to his first class, Luke couldn't shake off the feeling of humiliation and pain. He wondered if his relationship with Fiona was worth all the trouble. He wondered if he would ever be accepted by her friends and her family.

What would I possibly do to be accepted by Fiona's friends and her family. Although they expected much from me but at least I have a good heart and they should consider that as well.

But deep down, he knew that he loved Fiona. He loved her more than anything in the world, and he was willing to put up with anything to be with her. Even if it meant being humiliated and teased every day of his life.

Why would someone I love so much dearly with everything within me  be feeling shy to even have me around her friends and even her family.

Fiona's family were never in support of having me wed their only daughter of the family, they did anything in their power to get me out of their way but they could never succeed.

They could not go against the wish of their Grandpa so they really did everything in their power to get me out of their daughters way with the help of Fiona's friends and David, Fiona's crush.

He tried to brush o

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