Chapter 276: Confronting the Traitors (1)

Flay had awakened from the terrifying yet vastly tempting form of giving in to his soul's cravings to lord it over to the rest, the power and might that he had.

He saw Tracy sobbing in his arms, glanced around, and saw that Eviise was struggling to breathe.

Flay released Eviise as she collapsed to the ground.

Many members of Flay’s alliance were rushing with great speed, but as they saw Flay recover from his enraged state, they all began to stop, some collapsing.

Though they had fought against Arvenaught and Elvenar, the horror and certainty of Eviise’s death seemed so final. It was a strange sensation that they all experienced as they felt the real killing intent of Flay.

If it were not for Tracy arriving, the next second would have been tragic.

Flay couldn’t believe what had happened, and he lost all his strength and stumbled back. He pushed Tracy back as he felt a huge shame and fear from what he did. Not just to his allies but even to his enemies.

Tracy rushed in and gave Flay ano
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