Chapter 275: A Bit of Pluton

The entire team had risen to challenge Flay in his current darkened and maddened form.

It wasn’t just so that they would stop Flay from his madness. It was also a way for the team to know if Flay would become their enemy, would they survive?

With Kairo’s Nokk form banished, Flay leaped over them with his weapons at the ready. Kairo didn’t want to fight the allies of Flay and had long noticed that Flay was falling into a dark state of evil, and his desire for death had risen.

Legacy and Richard jumped up, each making a two-hand slash at Flay. The two slashes were on two different levels. One was aimed at the neck, the other at the legs. This was because they believed sealing the two areas would prevent Flay from evading.

But as they were about to slash, the killing intent zeroed in on them with a such explosive force that they couldn’t even move!


Scythe slapped the two to the side as Ligz saw that they were unable to move. His actions were done instantaneously just as Arthen had
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