It can't be

Gideon was in the hospital room with Wanda, reading one of her favorite books for her, Jane Eyre, when his cell phone rang.

“Just a moment, my love.” Gideon asked, raising one finger and Wanda, who was more than pale in the face and smiled slightly, in agreement.

Outside Wanda's ward, Gideon answered the phone.

“Hi, Bro. What is going on?"

"Rindley still hasn't been found, but we have a plan." Brandon said on the other end of the line and Gideon listened intently.

Upon entering back the room, Wanda was more than awake, looking at Gideon.

“I'm going to have to leave for a few moments, honey.” He told her softly.

“Gideon… You don't have to go through with this.” She said and sighed. “Our marriage is a sham. You don't have to keep coming here.”

He frowned at her and walked over to the bed, sitting in the chair and taking her hand in his.

“Do you think I would risk dying for you if I didn't like you?” he asked with an offended tone. “Fuck, I dare say I love you, Wanda!”

He notices when he
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