
Achievement! Your dungeon leveled up for the first time, you are awarded 20000 points

Achievement! You are the first devil to get a dungeon skill, you are awarded 30000 points

Your dungeon earned a Name Title: Gursta

Incredible Achievement! You brought Gursta from the devil world to your dungeon, you are awarded 50000 points

Gursta: Home of the dead Spirits(level 1)

Remark: Your dungeon has become the home for dead spirits.

Howl of the dead: +2 fear debuff when your dungeon is under attack

Agony of the dead: +5 fear debuff when you are under attack in your dungeon

Dead Summon: Summon the spirit other dead to your dungeon at the expense of your dungeon spirit

Chance to earn a title: Heir of Gursta

This title can only be leveled up when there is more death in your dungeon

[Your monster; Mou, guardian of Gursta leveled up]

Name: Mou

Occupation: Guardian of Gursta

Initial Ratings

Strength 100 Spirit 102 Intuition 100 Construction 100 Agility 100

[Overall Ratings 502]

[System Protection! Ratings was halved: 301]

[Blessings of Gursta! Ratings is increased: 392]

[Difference: 92]

[Due to the Blessings of Gursta on it's Guardian, Mou got one of her skills]

[Skills: All skills were altered due to system protection; can't bring skills to the system]

[Transformation: Transform from serpent to human]

[Remark: Skill was released due to the Blessings of Gursta. A great disguise to be human]

All words keep appearing, I barely finish reading one before it got replaced by another

The door of the top floor opened immediately and a teen girl with long white hairs badge in

"Dungeon Master" the girl went on her knees "when you were away, only Warg and I were managing the dungeon. I once saw your weapon; the sword of lies so I thought maybe you lied to me about you being the heir of Gursta and my loyalty to you decreased. But now that you successfully brought Gursta to your dungeon, the system protection on me was reduced and I got one of my skills back. Thus, the transformation"

"Is this Mou?"

"Yes my Lord, I'll never doubt you again. I promise I will be the guardian of your dungeon till you don't want me to be, I will be your sword and slaughter your enemies, I'll lead your army to success. If any bad thing happens to the dungeon, let the blame be on me. My Lord, please accept me as your sword"

"Mou, is that a good idea, she being my sword?"

"It's just a way of monsters pledging their loyalty to their lord. To her, you are her lord not a dungeon master "

"I accept you being my sword Mou and I love your transformation"

"If so my Lord, then let me go everywhere you go, let me be with you wherever you are like a sword in a warrior's hand"

"There is a gray area in that part, if you will be with me like a sword you'll have to go to earth with me"

"That is not a problem My Lord"

"Of course, since you are human now, you can be my sword "

"Thank you My Lord"

Mou said and went out of the top floor

"All this upgrade aren't too much for a starter"

"You being an hybrid is more of a blessing than it is a curse"

"Why will you say that?"

"Intelligence. Humans are intelligent while devils are strong. You are both of them so you are able to do incredible things earlier than other devils"

"Are you saying other devils have made no achievement?"

"Of course they would have made an achievement in their own way, they started are two years earlier than you but what you did in the training room, condensing all the spirit energy, it's incredible and worth all the rewards"

"Well I now have 350000 points but I think buying monsters for the dungeon will be better than saving up for a black market "

"Why will you want to buy monsters, there are already four sections on the first floor y humans never passed the second "

"Just like you said humans are intelligent. Humans have attacked this dungeon many times and all they meet is scorpions and birds. The next time they are coming, they will come with a way to kill spiders and birds"

"You can't keep changing monsters everytime dungeon master, you have to be stable"

"Does changing monsters affect the dungeon?"

"No but that's what devils do"

"I don't do what devils do, I do what hybrids do"

"Ok dungeon master, due to the scorpions' cheap price, we've bought more of them and humans have killed more of them too. Do we have around twenty of them left? Check the shop and let's find a monster that can survive I the desert, the scorpions will be moved to the second floor"

"Ok, general shop"

The shop appeared in the air. As I was about to search for monsters, a message popped up

[Black Market Auction]

[5th of October, you will be transmigrated to the auction center automatically]

I pressed the cancel sign × since Warg had already told me about it. I typed desert monsters into the search bar and names if different monsters appeared

[Predator Camel, Overall Ratings: 190, known for its brute strength and quest for anything liquid even blood]

[Price: 80000 points]

[Ghar, Overall Ratings 200, lives under the sand, able to make quicksand]

[Price: 100000]

There were lots of other monsters but they were too expensive. How many of them can I buy to make an army?

"Don't worry dungeon master, monsters are being sold on the auction too"

"I'll buy Ghar"

I clicked the buy button and 100000 points was deducted from my points and Ghar appeared

"Ghar at your service dungeon master. I'm able to live under the sand, eat them and make quicksand. If dungeon master will, please take to a desert"

"Like you knew. Warg, send a message to Mou, she is needed here"

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