Attack Unit

"Welcome Levin, my name is Ethan and I have laser eyes. I am the leader of the squad, as I have two years of experience in dungeon hunting. May I know if you are experienced or not"

" I am inexperienced but I've fought monsters before"

" It doesn't matter. Your skill will be tested on the 27th of this month. By then everyone should be in Golg. Do we have any Golg resident here? "

" Yes, max and I are in Golg currently"

" Great, you guys should arrange a place for us to meet. I'll update you if there is anything else. Mind you Levin, the squad is just a five unit squad so you need to try your best in winning the fifth position."

" Don't worry, I will"

The conversation ended as everyone's name went from black to gray; that is to indicate that they are offline"

I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong but I do know one thing: 27th is three days from now and I need to prepare the dungeon for a real fight. I don't really need to kill them after all

I waited till nightfall before I went to the dungeon; not because I can't go during the day but because I shouldn't be noticed

Mou and Warg were there to welcome me when I appeared in the dungeon.

" welcome Dungeon Master "

It was not Warg that greeted me first

" there have been some changes in the dungeon since you are gone"

" Most of the random monsters have formed groups according to their gender, type and strength. A dust scorpion just gave birth recently to 10 of its own so they took a part of the first floor. So Warg divided the first floor into different sections. On entering, the first monsters are the dust scorpions. These scorpions are known for their ability to hide under the dust and conceal their identity. To give them an advantage, we changed the settings of the first section of the first floor to a sandy area. The second section of the first floor has the devil hawks. These hawks are known for their hiding in darkness so we made their section a dark cave. The third section is the dwarf village. Because of your love for humans we intend to make the section a safe zone but in case the humans attack them first, Warg hay given the dwarves the right to fight with king and queen bees, we have also equip them with swords and spears and 20 warrior dwarves

And on the last section of the first floor, there are kobolds. Dudes are the best reproducing monsters. Currently, we have about 120 kobolds, all equipped with knives. Other monsters are on the floor they chose. Before you left, you had around 300000 points and now there are 170000 points left. I will send you the report file through the system message ." Mou reported

" You have done well. I see you have become more acquainted with Warg."

" You left me no choice but to make monster keep my company"

" In the next few days, there will be more attacks from humans and I might be part of them. Tell the monsters not to hold back when they see me. They should try their best in minimizing the number of casualties and no human should die."

" Dungeon master, if you keep letting humans walk out alive other devils will suspect you and might report you to the god of the apocalypse." Warg advised

" I choose those who survive and those who die but the most important part is they must be sacrificed before killed"

" Yes dungeon master "

" I will give your orders to the monsters, " Warg said and left.

" You know dungeon master, by the end of this month there will be a black market organized by the demons… "

" Oh tell me that after the fight with humans"

" Yes dungeon master "

" I won't come until after the human fight, I only came to set war strategies but since you've done it, good bye"

Maxine was the one who made all the arrangements and on the 27th, we all met in a cafe. There were just five of us; two ladies including Maxine and three guys including me.

"Ok, the only stranger among us is Levin from Gold. He claimed to have fast growth in all aspects including healing and the best way to find out that is through an interview. We have a few questions to ask you Levin, hope you are ok with that?" Ethan who happened to be the squad leader didn't hesitate in going straight to the point

"Yeah, sure"

"Ok so out of all aspects in which you have fast growth, which one is the best?"

"Uhmm, that is my strength and senses. My senses had grew to an extent that I can sense the presence of a target when it is still far away but my strength is being hindered by my age"

" If you can sense monsters it will be great to have you in our squad so let's go to the test. Maxine and Steve, you both should stay a mile away from us and say our squad code. Levin, if you can hear them, you can join us"

After Maxine and Steve were a mile away from the others, they stated their code and Levin repeated it correctly

"Only the darkness from the killer can kill this he devils' isn't that a weird code?"

"You're right. The code is correct and it is weird" Ethan signaled to Maxine and Steve to come back before he continued "do you know why we bare 'Dark Killers"


"Because our hatred is our darkness and that is the only chance we have against the devils. Your hatred should fuel your anger, your anger should fuel your strength, your strength should unleash the killing blow and then the monster is down, just like this"

Ethan took out his blade and strike Levin, cutting his flesh but it was healed after a few breath time

"Your identity has been confirmed, you are now part of 'The Dark Killers'

" Welcome Levin " the whole squad chorused

" We all can go wherever we want, prepare for dungeon hunting but we must be here by 4pm, and we together will head to the dungeon" Steve who happens to be there squad secretary said

It was just a 2 hours break and all we did was have conversations, eating and then prepare for dungeon hunting

When it clocked 4, rode Ethan's car to where the dungeon was placed.

"Let me remind us of all the rules of our team. One, you must have each other's backs, never leave your partner to die when you can save them. If you do, you will be denied part of your earnings. Two, we share all the dungeon earnings equally but when you have an item, it is yours. Three, we move together and no sign of fear must be sensed within us no matter what we confront. And lastly, once you go in with us, no more going out until the majority of us wants to. Are we clear? Steve asked

"Come on, you say this all the time" Rose, the second girl said

"Let's just get this done" Ethan said and we all got out of the car into the dungeon

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