The Billion Dollars Revenge

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The Billion Dollars Revenge

By: P. Timmy OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 17 views: 269

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Jacob Reed had just lost both his job and marriage when a lady, Chrstine Prescott, presented him with an opportunity to run a billion dollars company. Wounded by the betrayal from his former boss and his wife, Jacob Reed took the opportunity as a payback for what they did to him.

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17 chapters
Chapter 1
The elevator opened, and Jacob burst out and strode towards Steve's office as if he were a villain from a slasher horror movie. His breath hung in the air, charged with frustration.The secretary stood up, making a feeble attempt to halt him. "Mr. Jacob, you cannot..."Without waiting for her to finish, he barged into Steve's office. "Sir!" Jacob blurted. "I have a complaint," he said, raising a letter in his hand. Steve took a shot of whiskey down his throat and walked to his chair. “It’s fine, Mrs. William; I’ve got this.” The secretary took a deep breath, looked to Jacob, then nodded before taking her leave. “So?”"Sir, I got a tarmination letter based on a link to the sub-urban real estate deal.” “And?”Jacob frowned a little shocked at the question, “Sir, except I wasn’t on the sub-urban real estate deal.”“So?”"So, sir, I got fired for something that has no link to me.”“But you aren’t innocent now, are you?” Steve raised an eyebrow."Sir, I do not understand.”"Oh, you do,
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Chapter 2
“I hope you like it here,” Jacob asked. "Well, at least you didn’t pick the cementary” Christine laughed.Jacob feigned a laugh, but he couldn’t stop to wonder. He hadn’t met her before; at least he couldn’t recall it. And what did she mean by that? It was the best day of his life. Why is he even sitting with a strange lady in a coffee shop on the same day he got fired and divorced?“I actually have been to this coffee shop a couple of times before, so I’d give you nine out of ten. I’d have given you a ten if you had picked the club," she smiled. Jacob smiled, but it was short lived. He wanted to be nice, but at the same time, he wanted to know what she wanted from him.“Okay, I think I know what you are probably thinking,” Christine said, noticing how much unease he felt. “Who is she? And what does she want?”“I am sorry, but I don’t know you or what you want from me, and it’s been quite a day for me. I just want to go home. So I’d appreciate it if you"“You got fired?” Jacob pau
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Chapter 3
“Did you give it to him?” Mrs. King asked as Madi walked into the house, her face bare without make-up for the first time in a long time. "Yes, mom, I did,” She barely spoke up, her face buried behind her face cap. “Good, that peasant never deserved you in the first place,” Mrs. King said, settling down on a couch in the King-sized sitting room. Madi didn’t respond but continued to her room. “And where do you think you are going?" Mrs. King asked, her left eyebrow raised. She sighed, looked back to her mom and said, “It’s been a day. I think I need to take some time out.” “But you had a wonderful day, darling, breaking from that fool’s leash over you.” "Mum, that wasn’t even necessary. He was a good..."“Madi! You’d stop that nonsense talk immediately!” Mrs. King interrupted her. Her face was so still the smile that seemed to have had a permanent stay on her face varnished. Madi, stunned as she were, took a step backward from her mom, almost stumbled on her own foot. Mrs. King
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Chapter 4
Jacob had never been to the office but he sure knew who was sitting on the other side of the office table. Lydia. Her reputation is a big one in the King’s family. She was like their legal cleaning service. Her job, since Mr. King himself was a child, was simply to take care of the dirty jobs legally. She steals a peep at him, the computer screen reflecting on her glasses, “Miss Madi will be there soon,” she said, her voice void of emotions. Technically, she’s still Mrs. “How long do I...” Jacob tried to ask but was cut short by how fast she returned to her screen, typing—only God knows. Jacob checked his time again for the fifth time since he entered the office; it was already an hour past the scheduled time, and Madi wasn’t there yet. “Of course,” Jacob whispered. “She’d be here soon, Mr. Jacob,” Lydia repeated. And in no more than five minutes after the last words they shared, the door opened. “Let’s get started,” Alex said, dressed in his signature navy blue suit, white shi
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Chapter 5
Jacob fell to his couch. He had never been so grateful to be back to his studio apartment—even if he had a bandage around his chest and another slightly above his eyebrow. He could use a little of liquor if it wasn’t so fucking far off. “You should really change your locks,” Christine said, walking out of the shadows.Jacob jerked and the pain on his chest struck like lightening. He groaned, holding his rib. “For fuck sake!”“Jezz” Christine rushed to him, “What happened to you?” “I am okay…” Jacob raised his hand, stopping her from touching him. “I just need to rest.”“What you need is a doctor”“Close. It was a slight accident.”Accident, She froze, lips quivering and heart beating fast. She could hear the screeching sound of the tires and the blue and red lights. She could hear her name in a distance. It’s her mom. Next thing, flashing lights of the hospital as they pushed her bed. “Christine!” “Christine!” Jacob shouted her name the second time.She snapped out of it like wak
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Chapter 6
"How do you know this?" Mrs. King asked, her eyes dimming on the phone in her hands. Alex stopped pacing, “I got a mail. An email.”Mrs. King raised her eyebrow, “You got mail about a six million dollar transfer into his account?”"Actually,” Tony swallowed, “his mail was logged into Madi’s laptop and I was with her laptop.”"So she doesn’t know about this yet?" Mrs. King interrupted him. Never the type for too much talk. Alex cleared his throat, then continued to pace, “I am not sure. It depends if she used her mail this morning.”Mrs. King shrugged, "It shouldn’t matter; they are divorced.” “Divorce?” Alex stopped to pace, saying, “This could be disastrous to our plan.” "I don’t see how," Mrs. King said, crossing her legs. "Besides, don’t you have a board meeting to prepare for?"Alex sighed, "Okay,” he said, sitting besides Mrs. King, “Just think of it, they’ve only been divorced for two days.”"...and?""What if we can prove that Jacob was supposed to pay Madi part of the ten m
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Chapter 7
He entered his office, shut the door, pulled off his suit and threw it on the office couch before sitting. He looked into the mirror opposite the leather couch. His face was beginning to show more wrinkles and his hair was mostly gray yet he would make one of the fittest sixty-five-year-olds in the world. But beyond it, he could see his plan coming to an end. A knock hit his door. He looked at the door and asked who it was. It was Charlie. He opened the door and went back to sitting. “Tell me what all that was,” he said, his naturally baritone voice coming out husky.Charlie pushed his glasses closer to his face. He was already sweaty and shaking. "Sir, my sources said it was the same guy that saved her from the accident ten years ago.” He raised his head to look at Charlie. “How on earth did she find the guy?” “She had had a private detective looking for him for the past two years, sir,” Charlie said, his voice shaky. But that’s the way Charlie has always been around him. “Thi
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Chapter 8
Madi barged into the room, her hands balled up and her eyes blood red. “Mom…”“Do you know that Christine Prescott is getting married?” Mrs. King asked before Madi could speak. She raised her head from the computer screen and said, “We just got invited.” “Mom...” Madi tried again. “A wedding in the middle of the week, and with an invitation for the one percent of the one percent? Now, the Prescotts, they just upped their game, now doubt.” Mrs. King giggled. “Mom!” Madi shouted. Mrs. King raised her head. Madi was panting. "What, my darling?“I heard about the five million dollars.” Mrs. King was shocked, but she refused to put on her face. She returned to her computer and asked, “And what about it?”“I thought we agreed we were done with Jacob.” Squeezing up her forehead, Mrs. King looked to Madi. “I don’t remember having that conversation. Besides, we are done when we are done.”Madi tried to control her breath. She walked up to the laptop her mother was on and slamming it close
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Chapter 9
Jacob sat with his hands clenched together in a corner of the giant sitting room. Different artworks, probably from the eighteenth century, hung on the wall: angry-looking paintings and heavily bearded sculptors of philosophers. But of all the paintings and sculptors, there was one that he could not get his eyes off. It hung slightly at a height of roughly three feet. The painted man had a fierce look that was not so different from the rest of them in the room, except this one was not from the eighteenth century. He looked different, except for the windpipe he held in his mouth. And the face looked like... “That is my father,” Christine said. Jacob turned. She was standing by the door frame. “I did not realize you were there.” “He looks scary, doesn’t he?” Christine said as she stretched a document to him before getting seated. “You know,” she continued, “sometimes I think it’s his fault I never found love. I mean, look at his face.” She laughed, then looked at the portrait.
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Chapter 10
“It’s your wedding,” Bob said, “not mine?”“Just answer me, goddamn it!” Jacob shouted. “Red or brown tie?” He went to the mirror and placed each on his neck to see which went the best.“That’s not even red, Jacob; that’s like oxblood or something,” Bob said, biting his hot dog.“Really, but Franklin said it's red.” Jacob said as he turned to him, “Are you serious? The best time to eat is now.”“What?” He said with a huge chunk in his mouth, “I am the best man , not the best woman.” The ketchup from the hotdog dropped on his white shirt. “Aagh, fuck.”Jacob turned back to the mirror and sai
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