The Billionaire Boss

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The Billionaire Boss

By: Tinu🦋 OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 278

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Synopsis Clinton worked in a laundromat as a delivery man. One rainy afternoon, he was asked to deliver clothes, on getting there he discovered that it was his wife’s sister who enjoyed humiliating him. Unknown to him, there was another surprise waiting for him…..

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9 chapters
Chapter 1
Clinton sat in the laundromat, staring at nothing in particular. It was a Tuesday afternoon. It had been raining non stop since dawn.Now it had reduced to drizzles. It made the atmosphere cool. It wasn’t surprising that just few people came to drop their laundry..Clinton couldn’t wait to go home to his Wife, Marie and their Boerbull, Max, and have hot coffee in front of their fireplace.He took his phone from the table beside him and pressed the power button. A picture of him and his wife on their wedding day came up.He smiled a bit and saw the date, he realized his birthday was the next day. He was going to be 30.It’s crazy how the years fly without your permission, it’s been 30 years he came into this cruel world, “he thought”. He had no plans of celebrating but he thought of going out with Marie and buying them the best meal he could afford.“Someday, I’d be able to buy Marie anything she wants and take care of her like she truly deserves”.“Hey Clinton,a customer just called
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Chapter 2
Marie!, Clinton said loud enough for the two people in the room to hear. On hearing his voice, they quickly separated.Marie quickly used the bedcover to hide her bare chest and picked her blouse from the bedside and tried to put it on.He couldn’t believe his eyes. How could she do such a thing to him after everything he had done to make her happy.He felt betrayed. Meanwhile Marie didn’t even stand up, she looked at him with scorn and seemed unbothered.His chest tightened at her indifference, he couldn’t talk, he just stood there debating on either beating the man to a pulp or leaving.“Why are you here Clinton??, aren’t you supposed to be at work???”, Marie said indignantly while sitting up.The man she was kissing earlier had also worn his shirt back and was a bit scared that Clinton was going to do something to him.Clinton stood at 6’4, with arms that looked like he had been working out. His jet black hair was hidden in the face cap he wore. He had perfectly sculpted jawline,
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Chapter 3
Clinton came out of the Divorce court with an emotionless face, he wore a black suit and looked so hot in the afternoon sun. He lifted his left hand and checked the time.It was 1:00pm already. He had been at the court since 11am. Marie actually divorced him, he shook his head and smiled.The door suddenly opened behind him and Marie came out with her hand clinging to James’s arm. She intentionally hit him by the arm when she passed by him.She gave him a mischievous smile and he smirked at her.She hissed and faced him, “Today is the happiest day of my life you know Clinton, I can finally live a good life afterall”.“Here’s your stupid ring”, with this she brought out a silver ring and stared at it, “you couldn’t even afford a good ring”, she said mockingly and she threw the ring in his face.James laughed and pull Marie to himself, he hugged her and gave her a kiss right in front of Clinton. “Hey, Marie , leave him alone, besides you’re mine now babe”, he said, kissing her again.Cl
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Chapter 4
Clinton headed for the driver’s seat and hopped in, while Cindy glared at Marie and James before entering the car, Marie was surprised when she saw this.Clinton had always claimed that he didn’t know how to drive, he only rode his work bike. She hadn’t really thought much of it.She then realized that he had kept so many things from her, perhaps he was actually rich. She didn’t know what to believe anymore.“But how could he own a Bugatti, he couldn’t even afford a camry”. She thought to herself.She wasn’t sure yet and was determined to find out everything about him, with this, she held James hand and led him towards their car while persuading him to leave Cindy alone and dismiss the thought of suing her.James , still annoyed, didn’t open the car door for her this time and entered the car straight, Marie sighed and closed the door behind her, then he sped off.As Clinton sped along the Expressway, his mind was wandering, Cindy was staring at her brother. She saw how much he had gro
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Chapter 5
“Arrant nonsense!”, Ms Ann exclaimed, facing Clinton, who was shocked as well, he had been listening to the conversation and was short of words at first.“Can you believe that old man, he is so callous, I’m sure his youngest daughter and I will be agemates, how could he propose such a thing!”, Ms Ann said, clearly frustrated by now.“You have no idea how hard I’ve worked just to get this contract, I put in so much effort you know, only God knows how much I need this contract”. she said dejectedly.“Can you imagine him telling me to meet up with him??, I can’t even bring myself to hug him, not to talk of sleeping with him, he’s so old and cunning , he has crossed the line, I don’t know what he is going to gain by doing this”. She said angrily.Joden Enterprises was a company that dealt with both manufacturing of clothes and designing them. So MsAnn’s company job was to clean them and pack appropriately.It was a huge contract, the money that will be gotten from them working together w
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Chapter 6
Clinton stared at the document in front of him, he said nothing and waited for her to speak.“The contract states that if you’re actually speaking the truth and you give me the 500 million dollars, you’ll own 50% shares in my company, she explained.“And I’ll do whatever you want me to, I can be your mistress for a night, just name it”,she added with a sly smile.When Ann noticed he was quiet, she quickly added, “I’m still a virgin so it’ll be worth the prize, you have nothing to lose.Clinton was shocked at her outburst, he would never have thought she was still a virgin, he was slightly impressed but didn’t show it.She believed he wouldn’t be able to raise such an amount of money, he was just making fun of her and she didn’t like it at all, she was determined to make him pay if he was joking around.But deep down, she hoped he had the money because she wasn’t interested in sleeping with that cunning old man. If it had been a young and handsome man, she might probably have consider
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Chapter 7
Ms Ann looked from her phone to Clinton, still surprised, she didn’t know what to say or how to react, she just sat down and stared at him in disbelief.She was stunned and couldn’t believe that the money was actually inside her account, she thought she was dreaming and pinched herself several times.Then she realized it was real, Clinton had actually given her the money!,she checked the account balance again , this time, she beamed with happiness.Clinton stared at her in silence and followed her movements and reactions with his eyes, when he saw that she was lost in her emotions. He jolted her from her thoughts.“Ms Ann, are you okay??”, he asked, concerned.When she didn’t respond, he stretched his hand towards her and touched her hand slightly, nudging her to the present.“Ms Ann, are you alright?”.She jumped with a start, and tried to sit comfortably to calm her tensed body. Even her hands were trembling.“Calm down, I see that you’ve received the money, now , you’re free from
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Chapter 8
Alex Davis came out of his office and walked towards the lobby. He had heard his boss’s voice earlier, but he thought she was attending to a client.He had been busy in his office at the time so he couldn’t come out to check what was going on.Alex was the manager in the laundromat, though none of the other employees liked him because he was rude and condescending.He had been trying to woo Ms Ann but she had always snubbed him and kept him at an arm’s length. She’d have fired him but she couldn’t because he had helped her in building her company.And she was scared that she might not find a competent person if she lets him go, so she has been enduring his immorality and avoided him at all times.He knew she was avoiding him and it hurt his ego. This made him persuade Ms Ann to employ Jake as an errand boy to ease her work. Ms Ann had agreed then to get him off her back.Unknown to her, Dave was a spy that Alex had planned with to monitor her movements.He had phoned Jake in his office
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Chapter 8
Alex Davis came out of his office and walked towards the lobby. He had heard his boss’s voice earlier, but he thought she was attending to a client.He had been busy in his office at the time so he couldn’t come out to check what was going on.Alex was the manager in the laundromat, though none of the other employees liked him because he was rude and condescending.He had been trying to woo Ms Ann but she had always snubbed him and kept him at an arm’s length. She’d have fired him but she couldn’t because he had helped her in building her company.And she was scared that she might not find a competent person if she lets him go, so she has been enduring his immorality and avoided him at all times.He knew she was avoiding him and it hurt his ego. This made him persuade Ms Ann to employ Jake as an errand boy to ease her work. Ms Ann had agreed then to get him off her back.Unknown to her, Dave was a spy that Alex had planned with to monitor her movements.He had phoned Jake in his office
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