Part 74

Jake's eyes shifted nervously, his discomfort evident in his body language. He hesitated, searching for the right words, grappling with the weight of Edward's question. The room seemed to hold its breath as the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation.

Sensing the gravity of the moment, Edward leaned forward, his voice calm and sincere. "Don't worry, Jake, just tell me the truth. I won't be angry or upset. I just need to know."

Jake's gaze met Edward's, their eyes locking in a moment of shared vulnerability. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, the weight of his words punctuating the air between them.

"Sir," Jake's voice trembled as he began to speak, carefully choosing his words. "Your parents... their names are Elias Windsor and Edith Clarkson."

Edward's breath caught in his throat upon hearing the names. Elias Windsor and Edith Clarkson— the missing pieces of his identity, the enigma that had haunted him for years. The room seemed to fade into the background as a flood of emotions surged
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