Chapter 36

David heard a knock on the door before it slowly began to open up, startling and scaring David as it did so.

David braced himself, unsure of who was going to walk in through the door, a figure then walked in holding a tray but the darkness within the room cloaked its appearance making it hard for David to figure out who it was or what was on the tray which made David feel even more unsettled and sacred.

The figure then approached David with the tray still on its hands, and upon getting close enough for the light from the candle near David’s bed David was able to make out who it was and what was on the try.

It was none other than Felix and, on the tray, he held was some food he had brought for David.

“Hey, sorry if I startled you there, I just thought you might be a little hungry,” said Felix with a warm smile on his face.

David upon seeing the smile on his face couldn’t help but feel a little at ease.

“Who are you?” asked David.

“Ah yes, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Fel
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