Chapter 38

Chapter thirty eight: Farewell

Three weeks flew by, and behold, Jay Wilson, once a fugitive, now basks in the sweet embrace of freedom. With Vandel's demise, my path led straight to the doorstep of the infamous "LA penalidad organization" to rid myself of the looming bounty.

"Well, well, Mr. Wilson, it seems you've found yourself in quite the pickle lately," remarked Mr. Hernando, alluding to my tumultuous encounter with Vandel.

"Mr. Hernando, I won't take up much of your precious time today. As you can plainly see, here lies the body. Now, kindly lift that hefty bounty off my weary shoulders."

And just like that, the weight of the bounty was lifted, and I was a free man once more. No longer bound by fear and remorse, I could finally embrace a life unburdened.

As the dust settled and the final chapter drew to a close, Rowen returned to his abode at "prestamista De dinero." A steadfast ally and partner, I often pondered how I would have weathered these trying times without his unwaveri
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