Chapter 135: "Ripples of Truth"

As the landscapes of Elythria unraveled in front of them, the Celestial Marauders found themselves at the entrance of a secluded cavern. Naolin approached with determined steps, her fingers lightly touching the celestial symbols that decorated its entrance. She whispered ancient incantations, her voice melding with the hum of the realm.

The cavern's entrance gradually gave way, revealing an intricate chamber filled with shimmering inscriptions. The walls echoed stories of the cosmos, of battles fought and peace achieved. And right in the center, on a raised dais, lay an expansive celestial map detailing the realms and the flow of energies between them.

Naolin, her eyes reflecting the myriad of colors around, began deciphering the map. She spoke softly, "These inscriptions speak of the celestial artifacts. They were not merely tools of power but keys, keys that maintained harmony within realms."

Alaric, always intrigued by lore, added, "So, their dispersion upset the balance of realms.
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