Chapter 136: Fractures and Fidelities

The celestial chamber's once harmonious atmosphere became fraught with tension as Kael and Draco stood at opposing ends, the inscriptions of Elythria glowing softly between them.

"It's evident that the artifacts were meant to restore balance, not to be used as weapons!" Kael's voice echoed, his finger pointing at a segment of the inscription that depicted celestial bodies in harmonious alignment.

Draco's eyes narrowed. "You're being naive, Kael. Power is never just about balance. It's about dominance, about securing one's realm." He motioned towards another section of the intricate carvings, showing celestial entities battling with radiant weapons.

Seraphina attempted to mediate, her voice a calming whisper amidst the rising storm. "Both perspectives hold truth. We need unity now more than ever."

Yet, their dispute did not go unnoticed. In the shadowy periphery of the chamber, ethereal eyes watched with interest. Whispers amongst the lesser celestial beings began to circulate. Rumors
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