Chapter 17: Coordinated with The Government

"BLAASSHH!" Storm directly flew and drew his silver storm swords towards the huge insects. His brave action was also followed by Alaryc's attack which was in the forms of giant stones threw to the insects.

The same thing was also done by the rest of the nemostellars. It really made them showcase their natural ability and power. Blaze who was really enthusiastic created a giant fire ball from the fire of his palms. "Well, hang on everyone and please stay aside. This fire ball will grill the insects!" Blaze said and smiled, he felt proud and optimistic for killing all the huge insects by himself.

However, the fire controller's prediction was wrong. Not all the insects died after they were burned by the fire blaze. There were three insects remain to be alive and looked bigger than before. It caused several reactions from the other nemostellars.

"Being pompous at the first stage is not a good start." Cassian said as he smirked playfully towards Blaze.

"Well, it was beyond my expectati
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