Chapter 18: Move to the president's house

Zen Pov

At first, it may look impossible for my partners and I to stay on earth. I realize that it is because we are not human beings who are able to look for the houses or use the public transports.

In contrast with my personal opinion, there comes the president along with his wife who offer the house and transport to me and my brothers. It feels like they understand our needs although we haven't known him well. No wonder if I agree to be his alliance for casting out the aliens from here. I hope that the alliance can really help human beings and establish the earth better.

"I will inform all of you about the contract sign tomorrow. Now, let me take you to one of my houses in the regency." Calvin uttered in detail.

Then, I only nod and smile a bit. At the same time, Sirius whispers to me, "Are you sure for making them as our alliance? They may do this for some purposes, big bro."

"Well, we should try first. Who knows if the alliance can really affect our job later on?" I respond wi
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