Chapter 1103
Without even realizing it, Noah's smile turned sycophantic. Darius raised an eyebrow at this. "Are you done talking shit?"

Noah gaped at him. He didn't know what to make of Darius. At first, Darius had treated his threats and mockery with patience. Then, he'd warned him and told him to compensate for the car. Then, he'd lost patience for his threats and mockery. Darius had tried to take this life.

He'd made it out alive and gone back to threatening Darius. Oddly enough, Darius was still resolutely against him. This was despite him knowing there was someone powerful backing him up.

Noah didn't think Darius was doing this on a whim or in a fit of rage. He felt Darius had to be confident he could come out on top. That was why he was opposing him.

Darius smiled. He could see how hard Noah's mind was working despite his silence. Noah felt like his blood had run cold at Darius' smile. He widened his eyes in shock, feeling like Darius could see right through him.

He parted his lips to speak,
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