Ch 67: The name familiar

Neva takes the role of bringing Marcus back from the connected mind talk with Rosetta sharing information with him.

“Something is going on. This is the second time you have gone quiet once again.” Neva says pointing that out.

“I have some information for this table, one given by another that is yet to be known as a friend, enemy, or someone who is just messing around.”

“So spill and bring it forth to our ears what is known by you.”

“The slave girl lives for a time freely allowed by the decision left to be made as her life is on the line.”

From his point of view, each face there stared right at him, each having a different reaction from what came out of his mouth.

“Alright, I will bite here you happen to come by this in what manner,” Leonor asked.

“A vampire named Rosetta has reached out to my mind speaking to me just like the other two which I denied before. Yet she was different, stronger with wanting to talk with me, so I allowed for our minds to connect and have
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