Subverting the Enemy

"I don't promise this will work, Steven."

"I'll try to get justice for you."

Steven patted Adam's shoulder.

"If that justice is achieved, then I will leave in peace."

"I understand."

Steven got up from his seat. A smile was etched on his face. The man's skin looked pale. The debate in Adam's head was,

"Was the man human or some kind of ghost? Steven didn't even want to be honest with him right now.

"I'm leaving."

Steven walked away, and at the bend in the road, Steven disappeared. Adam felt that the man wasn't human. But Steven told him he was alive. So he is human?

Today, the whole town is abuzz with news of Marco being hospitalized.

The atmosphere in the city became chaotic after news of a murder involving the leader of the Shinzo Group, a well-known and influential organization, was revealed. Marco is under immense pressure from all sides. His name appears in various political parties in South Korea. Adam has not confirmed whether this news is true or not. According to Adam, Marco
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