The Dark Werewolf
The Dark Werewolf
Author: 1st Manga KING
[ Prologue ]

[ NOTE: Prologue is too short and gives away almost no detail so you may read it without getting spoiled. But if you really want to skip, then go right ahead to the next chapter. ]

[ Prologue ]


'What's happening...?'

Weird fur started growing out of the hands and the same was seen on the legs too.

The burning sensation was intense and all this was happening during a night of the full moon.

The nails also had started to elongate and the texture of the face too changed.

It was a dark night when it was raining heavily and in this heavy rain a boy, who was slowly transforming into a werewolf was running while being totally drenched.

'No... not again!'

'I don't want to turn into that monster again!'


"Someone... please help me!"


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