Unwilling Settlement
[Caution : Violence]

In the midnight, as Halaya came to see Carver lying on the hospital bed, his hand dripped, and his forehead having placed sponge to reduce his fever, she patted his head, kissed his side of forehead.. She knew that she was the only one for Carver and that he had no one else.. Though Arthur was his father, but after Najers found out that Carver had no special powers transferred to him from his mother, his behavior had changed towards him. Carver was then treated mainly as a trash, the child born for no reason at all. Though Arthur was used to physically abuse Halaya, but it wasn't the case with Carver. To him, Arthur never ever slapped or did any type of physical abuse, but mental abuse was common. Carver was mostly told that he was born just as a result of experiment, and that he wasn't loved at all. He was also told that his mother left him because she didn't love him enough. However, despite such continuous brainwashing, Carver never really hated his mother, inst
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