038. Little rats

"You look at what happened just now, he controlled the fire. He controlled the fire," Anna said enthusiastically with a big smile, pounding Jeff's arm telling the young man to rush to take pictures or videotapes.

"It seems dangerous that we are both desperate to follow the man, fire alone does not affect him. How about he hurts us later? We could have died miserably before getting vi—"

"Sssttt... Don't think about the no-no, our main goal now is to provide exclusive news for the people." Anna said with a bang, thrusting the motor key at Jeff who suddenly screeched roughly. "Hurry up, we have to follow wherever that person is going." Jeff couldn't refute, just obeyed all of Anna's words.

He turned to where they both hid their bikes, behind the building. After Jeff pulled back from picking up the bike, the young man frowned as he saw that far ahead there was a military member's vehicle driving away.

"Hurry up, chase that car! The guy that was brought with them just now." Anna's impatien
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