Chapter 52

I opened my eyes, an unfamiliar color of the ceiling was the first thing I saw, followed by Cynrad's worried face.

"Karma, it's good that you woke up. What did you do that made you lose consciousness?" He asked worriedly, I didn't answer because there was something wrong with what he said.

"You're making Cynrad mad, why did you suddenly go up the broken stairs?" I looked at the one who spoke, Pavel. I frowned, did I worry Cynrad? wait what--

"Karma, don't do what you did again. You shouldn't be climbing the broken stairs, it's a good thing Pavel and Bael saw you," Cynrad said and hugged me, I kept my eyes on Pavel who looked away. What's going on? Why do they call me Karma? Why is Cynrad worried? Why did I fall down the stairs? Where is Abiah? where is the family of Abiah? all I know is that I'm in their house and--

"Karma, do you understand what I said?" Cynrad asked worriedly, I just looked at him then looked at Pavel who looked away again.

"Stop acting like that Cynrad, it doesn't
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