Chapter 70

Because of Cynrad's scream, I had the strength to leave and get out of Siir's body, I quickly approached my body that was now being carried by Pavel while his face showed concern.

I heard the queen scream and I saw that the former king had caught Siir's human body as I left there, I saw that they were supporting it and laying it on a long chair.

"Karma... Karma what happened?" Pavel asked while carrying my body, I sat next to him then smiled.

"I'm going back to my body." I said while smiling at Pavel who can't see me now, I touched my human body then focused and tried to enter my body, but a few minutes passed and my body didn't accept me, that's why I opened my eyes then looked at my body that was loaded with Pavel.

"Call the healers!" Pavel shouted, causing those around to panic even more.

"What's going on? w-why can't I go back to my body?" I asked then tried to return to my human body again but as before my body still did not accept me, immediately the nervousness flowed through m
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