Chapter 12. The Wrong Target

“Has Jian Zhang been found yet?” Xue Fen looked worried. It had been two days since Jian Zhang disappeared, and no one knew where her son was.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, our men are still searching for Prince Jian Zhang,” said Kang Shen, one minister who sided with Xue Fen.

“We have nothing to worry about,” a minister from the Qiao clan chimed in. “Prince Jian Zhang is not a weakling. Haven’t we already seen how great the prince himself is?” He said proudly.

Jian Zhang’s strength had circulated throughout the Zhang kingdom. The young man defeated Genji, who was at a different level than him. This clearly showed that Jian Zhang was not as weak as he used to be. The young man had changed. And this was good news for all of Empress Xue Fen’s supporters.

“But we must not take our enemies lightly,” Kang Shen said in a serious tone. “The attack four years ago is proof that we underestimated our enemy.”

There was silence for a moment. Four years ago, they suffered a crushing defeat; the attac
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