Chapter 13. The Night Shadow

“Guards!” Jian Zhang shouted loudly, but not a single guard came, as if this attack was intentional.

“Mom!” Jian Zhang used his body as a shield for Xue Fen. “Take cover behind me.”

Memories of the past flashed back in Xue Fen’s mind. It seemed like only yesterday that Jian Zhang had called his mother with his little mouth, but this little boy was now her protector.

Since when did Jian Zhang’s shoulders look big and masculine?

Xue Fen couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She was not crying out of fear, but because time had passed so quickly.

The second arrow shot out again. Jian Zhang pulled his mother away. His position was unfavorable, he was an easy target.

Jian Zhang thought quickly. There were three archers at the other end. He had to move faster than the arrows.

Jian Zhang carried his mother’s body, gathered all his inner strength, and ran as fast as an arrow.

“What happened?” The archers of the Night Shadow gasped at Jian Zhang’s movements.

“Hurry, we must finish him off tonig
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