Chap. 65 The Destruction of The Red Dragon

"Sir, how is it?"

Mark pinched the bridge of his nose. The man still couldn't regain consciousness. Surprised by the bad news that was befalling him.

"Sir, we must…."

"Let's go there!" Mark said while grabbing his jacket, which contained a revolver with full bullets.

"Yes, sir."

Mark passed Jena and Maria, who were still in their original positions. The two daughters and mother were silent without asking about the purpose of Mark's departure. They just eavesdropped intently. This news makes Mark gloomy, and he rushes out of the mansion at night.

"Mom," called Maria.

"Let's quickly pack up our things, Maria."

"W-why?" asked Maria confused.

"You and your stepbrother have disturbed the peace of a dangerous person."

"You mean?"

"The man you admire, the man you love with all your heart, is not only the president and owner of the Smith Corporation. However, that man is also the chairman of the underworld association, Blackstone. Just like the organization your father leads." Blackstone is m
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