After the decimation of the demons all over the city, except for the mutants, Kendrick and Johnny just stood there in disbelief. Kendrick and Tsukuyomi were still shaking for some reason,

“There is no time to doze off! I’ll handle the mutants, Johnny, please go to Erika!” Kendrick ordered as he then ran towards the charging mutants.

Johnny doesn’t want to get ordered by an 18-year-old kid, but since Kendrick has a point and the one who will help him get back to his village, he will let everything slide for now as he then went to run to Erika who is now collapsed on the store’s floor.

“Hey! You, okay?!” Johnny rushed towards her and just laid her nicely so she can relax.

“Y-Yeah. Just a bit *cough* exhausted. I have never released that much energy before, so, yeah, I am just fine.” Erika replied as she breathes heavily and then coughs.

After a few minutes, Kendrick arrived with green goo dripping down his holy sword. He entered the store and immediately told them to get ready to g
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