The Fall


A royal feast followed the next day, everyone rejoicing, even the happiness within, made the King felt better, forgetting about his missing arm.

Emi not in the same mood as others, drank himself to stupor, thinking about the good times he and Ajanaku had together. Gourd after gourd, palmwine after palmwine, he drowned himself.

"Here" Ayo said handing over another gourd of palmwine to Emi. "We shall keep to the end of our bargain, after the celebration, our workers will get the necessary and begin work on the wall"

Emi only looked silly at him and only nodded in reply

"And I will not forget about you breaking my arm" He said. "Ladies, over here, keep the Human god company make him feel good" He said and left Emi to the two girls that sat next to him.

"Go aw....w..ay" He said stammering, 

"My wife waits for me at home" He said, not in his right sense.



Emi manage to open his eyes, only to find himsel

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