Chapter Seventy Two: Aftermath (3)

Of all the people Michael had ever expected to stop him from committing an act as murder, he never expected it to be Lee Shen.

The single most bloodthirsty person Michael had ever met was currently preventing him from ending an assassin that had been sent to kill him.

The sheer absurdity of the scenario was what actually stunned Micheal long enough for Lee to dash up to him, grab his collar and push him up against the wall of a nearby building.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The white haired Asian growled as he held up his own leader by the scruff of the latter's shirt.

The gray in Michael's eyes finally faded slowly and the crushing pressure in the area vanished as his energy was retracted back to himself. The expression of utter apathy on Michael's face soon disappeared and was replaced by a flat stare that shifted from the hand holding him up to the person the hand was connected to.

"Have you finally lost it?" He asked slowly.

"Don't give me that shit!"
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