Success Trap

The pressure from the spirit energy and the aura of the ghost caused fear in the heart of the restaurant owner, his body started to shake uncontrollably.

However, a powerful palm landed on the restaurant owner's shoulder, causing his body to go completely out of control.

His body was frozen and numb, his throat was gulping saliva continuously.

Nicole then stepped out if the void and the scene before their eyes changed immediately

The restaurant vanished and was revealed to be a cold black cage.

It wasn't a metamorphic saying of the new environment but the scene literally changed into a. iron cage.

The floor and walks were made if iron, onky s pskn sized window was on the wall behind Nicole

Nicole's laugh stopped abruptly after the scene changed, he quickly discarded his delight and replaced it with a heavy expression.

"Come out, The Vanisher, you know your tricks can't fool me" Nicole growled loudly

He sounded absolutely sure it was the culprit though, or perhaps it was because of hi
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