Erik's Future Plans

As the trio reached the outskirts of the monastery, preparing to venture towards the source of the corruption, Erik, with his usual blend of humor and practicality, suggested a recon mission.

"Maybe we three should scout ahead before we bring the whole monk brigade," Erik joked, casting a sideways glance at Xander and Atheria. "No offense to our robed friends, but I'm not sure they're cut out for dragon corpse duty. Plus, it's not exactly a field trip."

Laylan, who had joined them to provide final instructions, nodded in agreement. "Erik has a point. It's wise to assess the situation first. And Erik, you're familiar with the forest, aren't you?"

Erik shrugged, a half-smile on his face. "Familiar enough to know it's not exactly a stroll through the park even on a good day. But yeah, I know the way."

Laylan's expression grew serious, his eyes reflecting the gravity of their task. "Be cautious. The corruption from the dragon's corpse may have... unintended side effects. The forest could
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