The Journey Toward The Forest

As the trio braced themselves for the yetis' counterattack, the creatures proved their cunning once more. Rather than engaging directly in their weakened state, the yetis used the storm to their advantage, disappearing into the swirling snow to regroup and launch a more strategic assault.

"We can't let them regroup!" Atheria shouted, her voice barely audible over the howling wind. She continued to fire arrows into the storm, hoping to disrupt the yetis' movements.

Xander, breathing heavily from the exertion and the effects of Erik's spell beginning to wane, scanned the edges of their makeshift battleground for any sign of the yetis. "These bastards are smarter than they look. We need to stick together, watch each other's backs."

Erik, his energy drained, nodded in agreement, trying to muster what little magic he had left for another protective barrier. "They're using the storm as cover. We need to be ready for anything."

Suddenly, from the depths of the blizzard, a large ice boulder,
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