Chapter 175

With this problem, the war that was going on between Flacia and the surrounding countries, the world held a meeting of chief leaders and Atlas was involved in the event.

They were running a scenario as if Atlas was the guilty one in this matter.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You know very well that it was their country that caused the problem in the first place."

Atlas deliberately spoke casually to them, his eyes glowing as he watched them one by one in this room. The large room presided over by the head of state looked very nonsensical.

"We are not at war anymore, but you went ahead and made war and took over the country for your country."

A head of state from a country far away from Flacia spoke, he looked at Atlas sarcastically, and Atlas didn't care. His own country was a small country and a country that was not taken into account by him.

Atlas knew that this association was deliberately gathered just to pressure him. If collected, A small force would exert tremendous pr
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