Chapter VI

Chris woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the lady on the other bed. He groaned sitting up. He hoped to be back to his world but looking at her, he knows too damn well that he is stuck. He stretches a little and stands up, making his way to the door. 

The stars were barely visible in the sky. He slept for too long and now the sun should rise soon. They are headed south so he can see his long-time dream. Along the way, he should ask for the gems. If dragons exist there so will some experts in these gems. There will be plenty of people who also voyage to seek those.

"Hello there, lad!"

Chris turns and sees a big man, beard in a braid, a big-rectangular hammer in his hand, and that iron helmet with big horns. He sees big men in his world but not as big as this. 

"Where ya headin'?"

There was a part of him that says he should not engage in this conversation but he would need more information. And someone like this big guy could tell him a lot.

"Where this ship leads, I'm bound there," he replies.

 "What would a lad like you be doing in the South? Are you joining the dragon knights?"

So, even dragon knights exist in this world. Being one won't be bad but he doesn't want his childhood dreams anymore. An assassin like him should not waver in such a dream. He has seen how cruel his world can be. This is just temporary. Whoever Louie is, he is bound to get his body back.

"No. I am looking for something more."

"What more do you think is found in the South?" The big man's laughter echoed. "Lad, there is nothing more to the South than dragons and these crazy men hunting them down. A boy like you should have stayed behind."

Chris glares at the man. This Viking has not seen what he can do. He has killed hundreds of people and he doesn't have any regret. If it doesn't stir his situation, he would've taken a knife and killed this big stranger.

"Then what are you going to do in the south? Be killed by dragons?" he fires back.

"Eh?" The big man stops his sobbing laughter and raises his brows at Chris. "No dragon can kill me, lad. I have to visit an old friend. He studies dragons and is mad about them. He said they can yield gems."

Gems rang a bell in Chris' mind. If this Viking's friend studies dragons for gems then he must know a lot about gems as well. He should give it a shot.

"This friend of yours knows about gems? He could be rich!"

"Well, not all gems cost that much but he likes them, collects them even." 

"May I go with you?" he asked which shocked the big man. "I like to study gems but I'm afraid I do not know where to start. Perhaps your friend can help me."

"A kid like you?" He touches his beard, wondering if he should let the boy come. "What's your name?"

"My name is Chr-- Louie. It's Louie." He almost used his real name. "May I know yours?"

"The name is Vlad. I don't get to hear that name often but it's nice meeting you, Louie." He smiles, extending his huge hand towards him. They shake hands. "You travel alone, lad?"

"No. I travel with an annoying young lady."

"Your lover?"

Chris immediately snorted. Lover? He has no time for such. And even though he wants to tell Vlad the truth, he can't say he kidnapped the lady.

"She's just a friend," he finally made up. "We're both runaways."

Vlad is probably looking at him weirdly but he didn't mind it. He doesn't know how to put it but one day on this travel, he will leave that lady behind. It will come to a point when they will have to separate because he works alone. 

"Well then, there's room for two in our cluster. Just don't be too rude. They're not as nice as me," says Vlad. "I should be meeting the young lady, soon, yes?"

"She's still in our cabin dreaming. She'll come looking once she's awake."

"Travelling with a lady is dangerous. You know the south is full of hungry men. Young people like you should wander with adults."

I am an adult, Chris wanted to say but remained silent. Vlad is pretty much older. He could be a senior in his world. It seems like age from where Chris is, is multiplied by two here. He'd be happy if he could live that long but with his body.

"We are both passionate about traveling and finding out about gems," he lied. There was no other way to say it.

"Your parents? Where are they?" Vlad continues to question him. 

He didn't know what to say but then the ache came from his chest, giving him a flashback of what seemed to be Louie's mother. She was getting handcuffed and dragged from the halls to the cell. 

"Held captive," he suddenly uttered without thinking. Shit! Now he can't take it back. Well since he already started it, he should just earn Vlad's sympathy. "The queen accused my mother of stealing one of her jewelry. I know my mother would not do that. We're poor but we're not thieves."

"Ah, my apologies, my boy." Vlad rested his heavy hand on Chris' shoulder. "But you see, if you build your own kingdom, you can buy your mother's freedom. Only it takes hundred of years to build a kingdom."

"Has no one ever built an empire overnight?"

"One can be King overnight but it takes more than the title to be one."

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"You need power," Vlad replied. "A King who doesn't have power is nothing but paper waiting to get flooded by the waters."

There was a lot more to learn in this world. This is like reliving his dreams and the fantasies he read as a young kid. Only this one was not his story and he grew up from those stories. In his real world, there was no time for daydreaming.

"Get your hands off, Louie!" someone shouts which made Vlad and him look back. His eyes widened when Elonie had a dagger pointed at Vlad. It made him look away, embarrassed somehow. 

"She must be the young lady." Vlad laughed. "Careful that is sharp."

"You know him?" Elonia threw a shot at him. 

"Put it down," he commanded. "He's a friend."

 Elonia didn't do what he said so he strides towards her and took the dagger swiftly even Vlad was surprised. The boy is careful and skilled, he thought in his head.

"He's a friend so you don't have to worry." He brought his face closer to Elonia, putting the dagger back in its sheath that was around her hips. Then he whispered, "Trust me on this. I'm not leaving you."

Chris turned around and faced Vlad with a smile on his face. He put an arm around Elonia. "My humble apology for how my lady acted. She's always just so uptight."

"It's understandable," Vlad grinned and looks at Elonia. You are quite wrapped up in the day, my lady. I'm Vlad, a humble leader of the Vikings from the Tykrone Valley."

"Elonia, a runaway." They never shake hands as Vlad knows it was not a good thing to do. "I apologize for pointing a knife at you. I thought Louie was--"

"I am not as weak as you perceive me, lady." Chris cut her off. This Louie must have been a wimp that a lady like Elonia would come to rescue him every time. "We're going with Vlad to see his friend and learn about the gems."

"You have not discussed this with me," she mumbles, disappointment in her eyes. "Do whatever you want and get us killed!" she gritted before walking away.

Chris doesn't know why but he feels frustrated, biting his lower lip as he watched her fade from their view. He kidnapped her so he's responsible for her too. 

"She's a brave young lady," Vlad commented, crackling. "You should go talk to her. Convince her that we are good men. Maybe she'll understand if you're a bit endearing. You have two hours to make a decision. We're reaching land soon."

He had to release a sharp breath. That's why he doesn't work with somebody. They're just slowing him down and now look at this? He has to get her to agree on this so he can find his gems. Women are bothersome yet he sticks with one.

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