The Invitation


Some weeks later

After the day I went to the library and saw that mysterious book, I never went there again because it seriously creeped me out.Besides Ra was hardly available since he went on missions to the human world doing what I had no idea of.

And I didn't tell him about my dreams, something told to withhold that information from him like it wasn't the right time to say anything.

Today after taking my bath and eating, I strolled out to the balcony where I saw Ra training with his men. His golden skin glittered under the sun with sweat as he turned, dodged and kicked at his opponents.Their actions pulled at my interest, so I went down to the training arena to take a closer look. There were three men currently sparring with Ra, they all yelled and attacked as one.

Ra dodged the first one, kicked horizontally at the second and punched the last one hard. The last one collapsed hard on the floor as I gasped with shock.Shit! Did that guy just faint because of Ra's punch? Some of
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