Chapter 89

He could see now that for the first time, that Marcus had finally done something right!

"Don't worry Rose, I'll never let you down!" Matt said.

Matt was leaving work when he saw his mother walk up to him. It seemed that she just got here.

After he found out what his mother's goal was , he was really angry. Previously, he did not have any hopes from this mother.

It wasn't like he was a child who was going to miss his mother accompanying him, so he did not rest care.

But when he thought about how she had come back because she wanted to use him, he was angry. To think that she was even ready to use the marriage of a son that he had never cared about before to get her goal, he was angry.

But he held it back. They were some things that he still needed to do.

"Mom...why are you here again?" Marcus asked. No matter how much he wanted to pretend, he could not help but be cold to this woman who only thought about him when she wanted to use him.

Kate frowned when she heard that. She felt that t
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