Worshipper Arc. Chapter 30: Justice and Preparations.
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 30. Justice & Preparations.

Valoran let go of the arm from the student who has been harassing Reelia and Iris.

He moves his slightly to look behind him where Iris and Reelia are.

“Are you both okay?” He asks with concern.

Shocked to see that Valoran, someone from the same academy as the other magic students, who have been looking down and straight up bullied the non-magical students at their academy is defending standing against them.

“We are.”

“U-Uhm thank you.” Iris and Reelia respond still in shock.

The other students from the magic academy are frustrated to see that Valoran is standing against them.

Valoran faces the student who has been harassing Iris and Reelia who is still holding his wrist due to Valoran’s strength when he firmly grabbed it which led him to release Reelia from his own grip.

“What’s your name?” Valoran questions.

“My name is Lars Cian.” He responds in anger.

“Lars Cian, this is my only warning to you and everyone else w
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