Chapter 229 Merciful or Ruthless

After an hour of fighting, general Gently’s men started retreating, disappearing within the covers of the mist. The man himself withdrew into the veil of that thick, grayish cloud.

The doctor’s lackeys cheered in triumph, having push back their enemy who tried to destroy their weapon. All of them letting out laughs, because even the monsters that were charging in had vanished.

Chris watch as the group celebrated their victory and after a thorough observation, he confirmed his theory about them.

Once they became complacent enough, he makes his move, stepping out of the guise of the fog calmly.

“I knew you were still alive. Doctor Howard Steinz.”

He states, narrowing his sights at the man who stood in the middle of them all.

The geezer’s smile faded, frowning upon seeing him walk unfazed in front of all those men.

The crowd was quick to gather, blocking themselves in defense of the elderly fellow.

Those who had a barrier ability created a gigantic dome, protecting both the machine and t
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