42. The Tiring Quarrel

"Good night, Nash," Shein said as she made her way to her own bed and peeked from outside the door.

Nash, lying in his own bed, watched her go and nodded slightly in return. They were staying in a cheap inn on the outskirts of town. The room was hot and stuffy, and there were issues with the bathroom, but the low price made it worth the discomfort. Nash had even rented two rooms to ensure a little extra space.

"WHAT? I'M SHARING A ROOM WITH THIS BOY? I DON'T WANT IT!" It was Merlene, the woman in the red dress.

Nash took a deep breath and tiredly looked at her. He had paid for the room rental in the inn's lobby and was in no mood to deal with Merlene's drama.

"Then go and find your own room. Use your own money. You are richer than me, Miss Tre Devilla," he replied bluntly.

Despite knowing that Merlene was an accomplished player with a fortune far greater than his own, Nash couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't found an inn for herself. He had even paid for her dinner the night befo
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